Monday, June 20, 2011

Stationery Love - my latest finds

Oh I do sooooooo love greeting cards and stationery!
I am always buying cards for no other reason than I like them. They draw me in. I could (and occasionally do) spend hours in Stationery shops - such as the oh-so-fabulous Paperchase (my favourite!).

Recently, whilst visiting my local art shop, a cute patchwork elephant card jumped off the shelf to say hello to me! Upon inspecting the back to discover the name of the artist / designer (always my first response to an appealing design), I discovered a new card range to investigate - Jenny Frean. I found several of her cards, on the rack, which were all fab. The cards are published by the Art Group, and published by Jenny, who has run a  studio of talented designers since 1986.  First Eleven Studio is based in Sussex, UK.
The two designs above are by artist Rebecca Hoyes.

Also in the same art shop, was a stand of intriguing designs from La La Land - also a new discovery for me! Whilst they are not necessarily all styles of artwork that would normally appeal to me - they are a really fresh style. Something modern and different from the norm. Hooray for some originality!

by Art and Ghosts
by Flossy P

Greetings!!! lol
Sally x0x

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